Saratoga Botanicals Promo

Saratoga Botanicals Organic Spa & Store

It’s always a treat to create videos for businesses that have products/services that are relevant to my interests. I try to buy organic and natural products, and that’s what Saratoga Botanicals is all about. It’s both a spa and a store that carries a proprietary line of skincare and beauty products, as well as teas, essential oils, tinctures, aromatherapy products, bug repellent; all of them natural. The spa offers a variety of services which include massages, acupuncture, skin care services, facials, and reiki. I can go on and on writing about what Saratoga Botanicals is about, but it’d actually be easier and likely more effective to just watch the video (hey I guess that’s why they wanted the promo video created in the first place!).

I’ve always gotten a relaxing vibe whenever I’ve stepped inside the store, and it’s probably a combination of the sweet aroma from the herbal products, the soft ambient music that’s playing, the clean layout of the store, and possibly even the energies that the several crystals within the store emit. I’ve also gotten a couple of spa treatments and can testify to positive effects that the services have on the mind, body, and spirit.

Their website is: and you can check out the two videos I’ve created for them so far on their YouTube Channel:



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